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Men and women have protected this city, their city, for many years now.

Mack Robinson is the latest leader of this group of friends. They perch in the offices, bars and sometimes in your own home to decide who should live or die. When the judicial system doesn’t get it right, they take it upon themselves to do what needs to be done. Sometimes you will agree and sometimes you won’t. Sometimes you will change your mind. This duty is passed down from generation to generation. Every generation gets better at his or her job.

You will go on the streets and into the homes of these heroes or vigilantes or murderers. They will sometimes talk through their plans and sometimes take it alone to get the job done.

When you are finished with the book you may still have a conflict with who was good and who was bad. Maybe all were good and maybe all were bad.

The Edge

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Spending almost a year writing this book was a great experience for me. The encouragement I got from my family kept me writing when there were moments, I thought I might give up, so I wish to thank them.

First thank you to the love of my life. Bob, I know I spent a lot of time in the basement writing. Thank you for your understanding and encouragement.

Thank you also to my (adult) kids Alan and Stephanie for your inspiration. You are both wonderful writers yourselves. If you ever embark on this journey your writings will be amazing. Your spouses, Lauren and Bryan, are lucky to have you and you are lucky to have them.

Finally, to my little grandsons who don’t realize they were part of this journey also. They inspired me when I thought I had nothing else to write.

Thank you to David and the editors at Wiley without whom I couldn’t have completed this book. Can’t wait for my new writing adventure.

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Glenda Harrison Creasy was born and raised in the suburbs of Atlanta Ga. She

lived in DeKalb County with her parents, older brother, and younger sister.

She and her husband, Bob, raised their children in neighboring Gwinnett County.

The author worked most of her career in Buckhead in Marketing Materials.

Glenda and her husband retired to the Tennessee mountains where she is fulfilling her lifelong dream of writing books. When not writing, she loves many sports and looks forward to football season. She’s a particularly competitive Fantasy Footbal player. She’s a decades long fan of the Georgia Bulldogs and Atlanta Falcons. Although now living in Tennessee, she is becoming a fan of Tennessee Football. She can also be found enjoying a relaxing Sunday following her favorite golfers.

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